Guiding Principles for Provision of Psychosocial Support

P1: Promote the basic rights and dignity

  • Ensure that services are provided in such a way that they do not result into discrimination, causing unnecessary distress, fear, and pain (e.g. physical, emotional and spiritual) to the client.
  • Ensure that the basic rights and dignity of individuals, family, group or a community are safeguarded.
  • Ensure that services provided are non-stigmatizing non-discriminatory accessible, acceptable, affordable, and equitable for all. Inform the community about the basic human rights.
  • Provide basic human needs equally

P2: Do no harm

  • Provide services in a manner that do not expose clients or their beloved ones or families into vulnerability situation (s).
  • Ensure that sservice provided focus on improving mental, social, physical and spiritual needs of the client.
  • Safeguard the best interest of the client and client system
  • Maintain professional relationship with the client and client system
  • Follow ethical values be empathetic and help a client become aware of his or her feelings and help to express the feeling.
  • Respect client by using appropriate language acceptable to client

P3: Involvement and Participation

  • Encourage the client to open-up at the time of service delivery.
  • Identify how- and what type stakeholders may be involved at different stages of service provision
  • Identify and involve client and client system on provision of services
  • Facilitate communication to marginalized individuals and groups in decision making and implementation of PSS services

P4: Anonymity and Confidentiality

  • Do not expose client’s name or identity
  • Ensure that information collected at the time of service provision is treated with maximum confidentiality
  • Keep the client’s information into a safe place and do not verbally or in writing share such information without a clients’ consent
  • Use room/area with which can ensure confidentiality and privacy
  • In any case do not force clients to give information that in one way or another cause more harm to the client.

P5: Informed consent

  • Prior to engaging any client, ask for permission from the client and client system Such permission should be given without any sort of intimidation
  • Ensure that permission is sought from a legally able person- it should not be given by the minor with assistance of their guardians/parents
  • Inform client about the service and its probable effect during intervention - and should be given by legally able person to do so.

P6: Responsibility

  • Recognize your service limits
  • Refer cases beyond your limits to appropriate institution or authorities.
  • Ensure that referral decisions should be well-documented for further follow-up and additional assistance if needed.
  • Make follow-ups on the outcomes of the referrals made.

P7: Sustainability

  • Strengthen capacity of families and communities (identify and understand the problem and possible solutions) to deliver the services needed by the client and client system to ensure long term positive outcomes
  • Use the available institutional structures to promote the sustainability of the provision of such services.
  • Involve all stakeholders in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

P8: Evidence-based

  • Understand community context, material environment, culture and social values
  • Service provision should take into account the positive cultural practices
  • Service decision should be informed by credible and reliable evidences.

P9: Address Wider Context

  • PSS responses must be grounded in the context, addressing pre-existing and ongoing issues within the community.
  • Understand the needs of specific and vulnerable groups within the population who might experience barriers to accessing information, care and support or be at higher risk of infection.
  • PSS support should be accessible and adapted appropriately for the needs of children, people with disabilities, pregnant women, adolescents and young people.
  • Messages on COVID-19 addressed to children, adolescents and young people will require to be age-sensitive.

P10: Protective Environment

  • A robust PSS response should focus on the strength and resourcefulness of communities rather than weaknesses and vulnerabilities.
  • It must seek to create safe and protected environments for care and make use of existing resources and strengths.
  • Ensure protection of vulnerable groups, including children, people with disabilities, older adults, women who are pregnant and lactating, people exposed to gender based violence (GBV) and harmful practices.

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Iliyotangulia Ifuatayo

Maoni 15



miaka 4, miezi 6 ago

Somo limeeleweka


Epafra Mwanja

miaka 4, miezi 6 ago

Adress people’s spiritual needs to maintain good mental health and a feeling of belonging or connectedness


Jonas gaganija

miaka 4, miezi 6 ago

It is a good principal to applay



miaka 4, miezi 6 ago

somo linaeleweka vizuri



miaka 4, miezi 7 ago

Well i understand this page



miaka 4, miezi 7 ago




miaka 4, miezi 7 ago

Kweli usiri uwepo unapoangea na client BMAKOYE



miaka 4, miezi 7 ago




miaka 4, miezi 7 ago




miaka 4, miezi 7 ago
